6 Reasons Why Email Marketing is so important to the success of your business

As business people of the world you know there are close to a gazillion ways to promote your business. How can email marketing be so important to your marketing mix?

Reason 1:

There are more email accounts out there in the wild than even Facebook accounts! That’s over 4 billion with a B. You can’t tell me that your potential audience is not an endless sea of opportunity.

Reason 2:

You can leverage those social media platforms of course, or any online platform these days. They all require that you sign in with an email address, right? If you have a few people who have subscribed to your business page, you can now include those interested folks in your direct to inbox email communications.

Reason 3:

In just about every other study on buying behaviors of younger generations, they consistently show that those millennial creatures expect 1 to 1 communications. That is exactly what your email can be for your young customers.

Reason 4:

While other platforms have their advantages over email, think about this one for a moment: When was the last time you cleaned out every single email from the inbox? Your email “advertisement” is a constant reminder of your “super offer” every time customers check their email. Email is archived right there ready for your customers to act on.

Reason 5 (now we’re getting into the good stuff):

Email is so easily tracked, down to every open, click and visit to your website. You can watch your email campaigns in real time to know what is working and what is not. Maybe you can’t decide which amazing design and email campaign created by PB Design to send out. Never fear! Send them both. track them both. Learn through clicks and opens which is the more successful campaign.

The more you know about your customers and what they want or like, the better you can speak to them. Email can do that for you!

Reason 6 (my favorite):

Sending an incredibly relevant, super personalized, direct message to your current or future customers will cost about 8000% less than sending a direct mail piece. You’re thinking to yourself “he just threw that crazy number out there, that’s not real”, and you would be wrong. Sending an email is dirt cheap. It will get there faster. It will be better tracked. Hold that thought for a minute. It will wait patiently for your customer and be ready to serve them. On average people will check the mobile email 6 times a day. I don’t see them doing that at the mailbox at the end of the driveway, do you? Show me a newspaper ad, or heck, even a web banner that will promote your brand better than that at a lesser cost. Email for the win!

There you go. 6 reasons why email marketing is important to the success of your business. If you want to start building better communication through email, give us a call or send us AN EMAIL!