3 easy steps to build a better email campaign


It’s easy for anyone to send out an email, but if you want to build a better email campaign there a few best practices that you will want to establish first.

#1: Know your audience!
Are you crafting an email to people who spend their time on their desktop computer? Are they are their phone? Know what devices your customers are using. You can simply look at the analytics of your website to generally determine what devices your customers are using. As you send more emails you can view the analytics of your email to determine if you need to cater to a different audience. The voice of your company also plays a big part in who clicks on your email, and who deletes it. That brings us to the second thing to pay attention to.
#2: Spend time on your subject line and preheader text
I’ve seen so many teams spend days and days crafting the perfect responsive, super dynamic email. Only to have the email deleted without even being read because the Subject line was the same ol’ sales pitch they used for the last 2 years. Speak to your audience in a way that they will respond! Test different subject lines to see what performs best. Preheader text is also often overlooked and can be crucial to a potential customer clicking on your email. The subject line and the preheader text I would argue, are more important than the actual email. Spend the appropriate time crafting them.
#3: An email is not a newspaper article or a website.
There is no need to put every offer from your website into your email. Think of your email as one step beyond a text message. You wouldn’t inundate your friend with a string of 15 texts all at once. You would send maybe 1 or 2 important messages and then wait until they respond (or click on your link).

Ultimately, when building a better email campaign not all audiences are going to be the same. Maybe your audience will respond better to more offers, or a higher frequency of emails. They might prefer a more casual conversation style of subject line or an urgent call to action. Your email program should be a conversation with your customers. Start diving into what you know about your customers before you send your next marketing email out. It will be time well spent.